Global accounts list
- -sasha- (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- .avgas (exists locally, VRT permissions agent)
- AFBorchert (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Aafi (exists locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Ahonc (exists locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Aka (exists locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Albertoleoncio (unattached or doesn't exist locally, stigweard and VRT permissions agent)
- AmandaNP (exists locally, stigweard and VRT permissions agent)
- Ameisenigel (exists locally, abuse filter helper, global IP block exempt, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer, ombuds and VRT permissions agent)
- Anachronist (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Andrei Stroe (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Andriy.v (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- AntiCompositeNumber (exists locally, stigweard and VRT permissions agent)
- Ask21 (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- Atsme (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global IP block exempt and VRT permissions agent)
- Avicenno (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global IP block exempt and VRT permissions agent)
- Base (exists locally, stigweard and VRT permissions agent)
- Bencemac (exists locally, global rollbacker and VRT permissions agent)
- Bluerasberry (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Captain-tucker (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Chescargot (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Ciell (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- DCB (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- DaB. (exists locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Daniuu (unattached or doesn't exist locally, abuse filter helper, global rollbacker, worulde bewitend, temporary account IP viewer, ombuds and VRT permissions agent)
- DarwIn (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- DejaVu (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global IP block exempt, global rollbacker and VRT permissions agent)
- DerHexer (exists locally, stigweard and VRT permissions agent)
- Dezedien (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Didym (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Doc Taxon (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- Dungodung (exists locally, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- Dyolf77 (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Effeietsanders (exists locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Elcobbola (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- Elli (exists locally, CAPTCHA exempt, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- Ellywa (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Elmacenderesi (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- Emha (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Emufarmers (exists locally, ombuds and VRT permissions agent)
- Ezarate (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global rollbacker and VRT permissions agent)
- Fluffernutter (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Gampe (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Ganímedes (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Geagea (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Glane23 (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- GorillaWarfare (unattached or doesn't exist locally, global IP block exempt, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- Grin (unattached or doesn't exist locally, temporary account IP viewer and VRT permissions agent)
- Hanay (unattached or doesn't exist locally, VRT permissions agent)
- Hide on Rosé (exists locally, global IP block exempt, global rollbacker, two-factor authentication tester and VRT permissions agent)