Nīwlica hwierfunga
Seoh þa niwostan andwendunga þisses wiki on þissum tramete
Spyrian þā nīwlicostan hweorfunga tō þǣm wiki on þissum tramete.
| |
Weorc: | Meta - Wikipǣdia - Wikicwide - Wikispell - Wikibēc - Wikicynn (adihtan | help) |
Nīwe - Eald - Clǣnsung - Wīcingsceaðe - Āfyrðung - Gemǣnscipe - Styccu |
Ymbe ūsic:
Wilcume/FAQ/Regol - Mǣða - Melda - Ealuhūs - Ǣrendungsambredu |
Bēna: | south - north - west → (adihtan)off out |
Gewilnod: | piracy - wīcing → (adihtan) |
List of abbreviations:
- D
- Adihtung of Wikidata
- N
- Þeos adihtung scop niwne tramet (seoh eac getæl niwra trameta)
- ly
- Þeos is lytel adihtung
- þr
- Searuþræl fremede þas adihtunge
- (±123)
- Þæs trametes micelness wæs andwended þys rime greatbitena
- Temporarily watched page